Day 8: National City, PB, El Cajon

This had to of been one of my favorite days by far. We started the day out by going to the barber with Mike in the “ghetto” of San Diego and had some awesome ass Pho and Vietnamese yogurt *drooling* and then went to our favorite spot shore club with Mike and some of his friends. My guy met up with us, we ran in to Leslie’s ex and the night took a turn for the worst for a bit, met up with our other Denver friend and continued to party the night away regardless of douchebag ex boyfriend drama. We finally tried a new spot in PB out, Tavern, it was pretty cool and as the night ended we ubered back to Gavin’s house, not sure why, but we did.

So Gavin has 3 goats and lots of chickens and our drunk asses decide to attempt to ride the goats, I bust my ass, and pick up the chickens. The chickens were out of control and once again this is another night where videos only explain the hilarity of the evening. We then go inside and since everyone but me is in the military they decide it would be fun to get all of the guns out and potentially shoot things (thankfully that didn’t happen)


Day 5: Nevada to San Diego

Passed through Nevada and stopped in the biggest Alien store I’ve ever seen. We had to go in if you know our Alien history with our tattoos and such.

It was a quick 5 hour drive and we arrived in San Diego. We were staying with our friend Mike on the Naval Base so it was definitely a different experience than most. Our first night we checked out all of the main spots in Pacific Beach (Backyard, Shore Club, Ale House). We got a little wild but all in all it was a great first night.